
Want a Verint Community (aka Telligent Community) expert to provide ongoing support for your community? Our support blocks are flexible and let you get as much or as little help as you need.

Support blocks are available in 10 hour blocks, when you need help let us know, we’ll give you an estimate of how many hours it will take and when we can do it (we aim to get estimates back to you within 1 working day, and start the work within 5 working days), if your happy with it we’ll get going. We’ll only take the time it takes from the block.

How it works

1. Enquiry

Get in touch with us, and let us know a little about your community and the type of support you need.

2. Introductions

We’ll organise a short 30 minute call with you to get a little more detail and discuss the support process.

3. Paperwork

The boring part! We’ll send you a contract, details on how to raise an issue and an invoice for the depoist.

4. Access

We’ll need access to your community, test environments, servers etc. We’ll give you details on this as part of the paperwork.

5. Raise a job

You let us know what you need help with and we discuss what solutions are available.

6. Estimate

We’ll give you an estimate of how long it will take, this will be a rough range of how many hours. We’ll only ever take the hours it took from the support block. If we start and something is going to take over the estimate we’ll stop and discuss with you.

7. Implementation

We’ll get on do what’s needed. If we have any questions as we go we’ll let you know.

8. Delivery

We’ll deliver the work and let you know how many hours are left on your support block, ready to go back to step 5!

Contact Us

Want to work with us? If so we’d love to hear from you!

Email us at to tell us a bit about you and your business and we’ll be in touch with the next steps as soon as possible.